Don't Worry, Just Put It Off

Put Things Off (US$2.99), is an application which can help with time management and prioritisation. This app can be found under the Productivity umbrella on the iTunes Store and is designed by Spiffing Apps. Put Things Off is an excellent example of when keeping things simple, can pay dividends, not only financially but in effectiveness as well. Spiffing Apps put it best when they said that Put Things Off is for "busy people who don't have time to categorise, geotag, sync or generally micromanage their lives."

Put Things Off is ingenius due to its simplicity and lack of clutter. When the app is opened all you need to do is write a note or reminder about something, hit save and then choose to either file in the "Today" folder or the "Put Off" folder. The today folder is for tasks which need to be completed today, whilst the put off folder is for tasks that must be completed over a larger time frame. The default setting for the put off folder is 3 days (that is 3 days until it moves to the today folder), but it can be set from anywhere between 1 and 31 days.

The due date of a note can be altered, which means it will wait in the put off folder until it is in need of completion. When you have checked off an item or note as completed, it moves into the "Done" folder. From this folder it either can be deleted or kept as a momento of an accomplishment. This application is very quick and responsive. The application opens and is functional almost immediately and never has to load any items, which is a major time saver.

Put Things Off  is straight to the point and wastes no time on, useless bells and whistles which may sound good, but are really impractical. There is not a whole lot to write about this application and in this instance that is a good thing. This app's purpose is to make a relaxed and efficient to do list and it does that perfectly. The application is definately worth a purchase, especially if you are in need of an organisational overhaul.

MyAppSource Rating: Four Stars!


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