Clear, Consice and Useful

SixPack App (US$0.99), is the perfect exercise buddy. From the labs of Pocket Cocktails Inc., this application is excellent for anyone who is participating in a weight training program. The developers claim that "SixPack App is your ultimate portable fitness guide." That is true. Pocket Cocktails also state that SixPack App contains "over 50,000 words of descriptive exercise text and 400+ Pictures". I don't know the exact numbers, but according to my estimations, that is also true.

SixPack App contains a plethora of exercises for each of the following categories: chest, shoulders, back, legs, arms, abs, yoga poses and stretches. Each exercise contains several clear and easily understandable images of how the exercise must be undertaken. The app also gives a clear-cut step-by-step guide on the exercise in question. The pictures and steps give the user a full understanding of what the exercise entails and exactly how to perform it.

For each individual exercise, SixPack App, also provides tips on the intricacies that are involved in the exercise and the exact muscles which the exercise will work. The tips give helpful hints on small issues that may arise during the process of completing the exercise. For example, the tips section tells the user what to do if the left and right muscles are not equally strong and how to correctly align and protect the users spine. The app highlights the exact muscles needed and shows the user this on easy-to-distinguish pictures.

SixPack App also gives instructions on workouts that can be undertaken. The workout categories are; circuit, beginner and push/pull, to name a few. Although the workout section does not provide the user with examples of exercises that could be used, it does provide the kowledge of how often to complete a workout and what muscles to target to increase workout efficiency.

SixPack App delivers on all levels. All the things you could ever want or need are included, and this means that you are never left scratching your head about any exercises. The thorough instructions and clear pictures make sure that every exercise is fully broken down into its basic components and then explained. so as to increase the ease of understanding. It's cheap, it's very effective and when someone takes your iPhone or iPod Touch and sees it they'll automatically think you work out (even if you don't). SixPack App is definitely worth the purchase for anyone who is currently participating in a weight training program.

MyAppSource Rating: Five Stars!


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